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Speech and Language Therapy Resources
Guidelines: Supporting speech, language and communication in the early years (Version 3 - August 2016)
Supporting Speech, Language and Communication in the Early Years (need updating)
Listen Up – A downloadable resource to encourage listening, understanding, interaction and play in pre-school children. It includes a card game with fun activities and advice on how parents and early years workers can use the resource
Top Tips Leaflet – A downloadable poster of simple things people can do to encourage children's communication
Misunderstood – A booklet about speech, language and communication needs in children and young people. It is full of useful information and advice which you can use in your setting
Don't Get Me Wrong – A booklet about speech, language and communication needs in children and young people. It is full of useful information and advice which you can use in your setting.
Talk and Go - A downloadable pack with games and activities that support families to encourage children's communication skills when they are out and about. It includes fun and 'easy to do' activities for trips to the zoo, park and museum, as well as games and challenges to keep kids entertained on car journeys and at home.
Chatter cards
Chatter cards give ideas for simple talking games and activities and have been developed in Swindon as part of the 2011 ‘Hello’ Year of Communication. They encourage adults and young children to engage in talk when they are on the move such as on a train journey, in the supermarket, waiting for a bus or just playing in the park. Some of the ideas on the chatter cards may be familiar to many people, but they are reminders of how easy it is to find everyday opportunities to engage children in conversation. Talking with children needn’t be thought of as an extra ‘chore’ for already busy parents and carers but something that happens all the time during everyday events.